Greg Estes
Greg Estes is NVIDIA's VP Enterprise Marketing. Prior to joining NVIDIA, Greg was the vice president of marketing and client services for Mozes, a start-up providing a mobile platform for music labels, sports teams and consumer brands. Previously, Greg was the chief marketing officer of Avid Technology, and earlier in his career vice president of worldwide marketing at Silicon Graphics. A sought-after speaker and writer, Greg has been published in a variety of trade journals, been a presenter at a number of conferences and appeared on numerous television shows, including as a guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show.
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NVIDIA、クラウドからエッジまでArm を加速化
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実質無料の GTC: 3 万人の開発者と AI 研究者が、GTC Digital で予定されている、数百時間分の無料セッションにアクセス
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優れたハードウェアには優れたソフトウェアが必要です。データ科… 続きを読む
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