Roy Kim
Roy joined NVIDIA in 2009 and serves as a product manager in the Tesla HPC business unit, responsible for managing the workstation product line. Previously, Roy held a variety of positions in the investment banking and semiconductor industries, including equity research at J.P. Morgan, product manager at Cisco, and chip design engineer at Broadcom and Sun Microsystems. Roy has Masters of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
NVIDIA DGX SATURNV、世界で最も電力効率に優れたスーパーコンピューターとして 2 位以下を大差で引き離す
NVIDIA は、これまで以上にスマートな自動車やパワフルな… 続きを読む
10年前、ハリケーン・カトリーナがニューオーリンズを襲いまし… 続きを読む