Bob Sherbin
Bob joined NVIDIA in early 2009 after five years at HP. He most recently ran marketing & communications activities there related to the acquisition and integration of EDS, and previously looked after corporate comms. Prior to that, he held senior comms positions at Merrill Lynch, HSBC and Gateway, and had served as a bureau chief and reporter for Dow Jones in Hong Kong, Stockholm and New York. He reads avidly, bicycles irregularly and fathers in triplicate.
NVIDIA CEOジェンスン・フアン、最大のテクノロジ展示会「CES」でトップを飾る
宇宙人陰謀説、SHIELD、自律走行車用スーパーコンピュータ… 続きを読む
2016 GPUテクノロジ・カンファレンスでの最新の発表
人工知能がテクノロジ界を席巻する中、NVIDIAは本日、年に… 続きを読む
NVIDIAは、本日、自律走行のリードをシフトアップしました… 続きを読む
業界をリード――アウディ社、Tegra X1を使い自動運転車両の開発を加速
自動運転自動車の開発競争が激化しています。 NVIDIAの新… 続きを読む